The man whO launched color into space

50 years after the "takeoff" of an artistic movement that he led, an older and Master Carlos Cruz-Diez receives a visit from Silvie Marie, a young journalist whose intention is to investigate the validity of Kinetic Art. Beginning like this, a journey through the decades, reliving the memories of a young Cruz-Diez while we will immerse ourselves in that path that led him to challenge color. Carlos and his family, motivated by the lack of understanding of his ideas, will travel the path of the migrant, overcoming his fears and uncertainties, using an unwavering desire to make a place in the history of art. Silvie Marie will understand how powerful family love is when it becomes the backbone of a philosophy of life that she will make Carlos "the Master of Color".
GenRe: Biopic, drama, - Production companies: reyfilms - collaboration: articruz, Atelier cruz-diez, cruz-diez foundation - DIRECTOR AND WRITER: Reynaldo Quijada - Producer: Patrizia Marinelli Ayala - Status: DEVELOPMENT