The Magic of a Smile: A Marketing Success Story
The story behind this campaign is a testament to the power of storytelling when it connects with a brand.
One day, I received a call from the manager of a famous Panamanian actress. To cut a long story short, the manager reached out because her client was the face of a social media ad for a dental clinic "Dental Group" that had turned out to be a disaster due to poor production quality.
Yes, she wanted me to fix the situation, but the truth was that the only viable option was to reshoot the entire ad.
So, that's what we did. We reshot the ad, and the social media campaign turned out to be a success.

But what does this have to do with the story behind "The Magic of a Smile"?

Well, it all started when this dental clinic became my client. We began looking for innovative ways to sell braces, teeth, and other services, aiming to boost the clinic's sales in a different way.
I'm sure you’ll agree that photographing teeth isn’t exactly glamorous, and making them look appealing and sell is quite the challenge.
Selling them on the idea of boosting their sales by promoting their values, not just their products, and building a story around their brand wasn’t initially well-received by the clinic owners. However, I had earned their trust by "saving" their previous investment, and they gave me a vote of confidence, even if they weren’t fully on board with this new strategy.
During the process of finding the right story, I was invited to a magic show performed by the clinic owners' son. He was a budding magician facing his first live audience, a big event for the family.
It was during his act that the idea of "The Magic of a Smile" hit me. Not because of the act itself, although it was great, but because of the laughter it brought out. The joy was contagious, filling the room and lighting up his parents’ faces.
The funny thing is, when I presented the idea to the clinic's board, they were silent and expressionless. It was a pretty terrifying moment. Without hesitation, the clinic director asked THE QUESTION.

Can you guess what it was?

It was a logical question. Dental Group wasn’t a multinational corporation; it was a dental clinic with specialists who saw advertising as something simple for social media, nothing more. The idea of creating a TV or cinema ad was almost laughable to them.
But knowing your client is just as important as the idea itself, and that allowed me to anticipate their question. I had a plan where the cost wouldn’t exceed the budget they had for the ad with the famous actress. Plus, I suggested that the director’s son, the young magician, be the star of the ad. It was like breaking through a massive iceberg—the room came alive with excitement and ideas, each one wilder than the last.
And that’s how we created "The Magic of a Smile" campaign. It didn’t just significantly boost sales of braces and other services; it also led to an exponential growth in their Instagram community. They went from 8,000 followers (thanks largely to the previous campaign with the actress) to 30,000 followers in just a few months after the launch.
The magic of a genuine smile and a well-told story transformed the perception of a dental clinic, proving that behind every smile, there’s a world of possibilities.
Client: Dental Group Panamá
production company: ReyFilms
Director / COPYWRITER / EDITOR: Reynaldo Quijada
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